Ozone Park

Ozone Park

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Abusive Relationships.

In the play, there are a lot of abusive relationships (both verbal and physical) so here is some information and a few links that explains the psychology and dynamics of abusive relationships.

Understanding the Dynamics of Abusive Relationships:


      *This article details abusive relationships in a marriage or romantic partnership (Irene and Jack)
      * My favorite quote of the article explains that abuse usually happens when he/she feels the need to  be          
         more dominant and in control. (Power struggle/ fulfilling the need to have an impact on the world):
         quote: "S/he also has little sense of his/her own social value, but makes an effort to establish that  
                    value by losing him/herself to the demand for submission."

        * All the characters are selfish, abusive, and express "love" in different ways. This article makes 
          sense of all of these things.

Other Links: 

This article talks about physical abuse and references the Drama Triangle


This article covers Emotional and Verbal Abuse


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