Ozone Park

Ozone Park

Saturday, April 16, 2011

ICONS: Jeanann


Jennifer Lawrence "Ree" in Winter's Bone:

I think Jeanann is more vulnerable and naive than Ree, but she tries to come off as stoic and independent as Ree. 


"Maeby" from Arrested Development

There aren't a lot of great clips of her available online, but I think she represents  the rebellious adolescent girl that Jeanann is.


"Anybody's" from West Side Story

I can't find any clips of her online, but the way she slashes and bases most of her decisions on impulse is very much like Jeanann. She's another character that wants people to think she's a tough girl, but she's actually very vulnerable and naive. She has a lot of energy and doesn't really know what to do with it. 

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