Now as many of you know, I played with the idea of having Maureen covered in tats. This quickly did not pan out because what I realized is that when people see your tattoos they start to ask questions. Maureen would not like this type of attention and so it did not work for her.
It may however work for Jack.
In my opinion (and certainly open for debate), I think that Jack would have navy tattoos displayed on his forearm so they would show when he rolled up his sleeves. He would also delight in explaining them to anyone that asked. He would want people to know that he was in the navy and that he was a shell back.
Just a suggestion. Take it or leave it :)
Hey I actually think that these are a great, men in the navy are usually pretty hardcore with tattoos and stuff, it would also add some amazing authenticity and maybe help the Jack's understand that deep connection to the navy more. Tattoos are definitely a serious thing, a huge commitment so they probably could offer a lot to all of us seeing them all the time. I'm not sure however if all the jacks would want to draw them on all the time and how they could really maintain them but it could be worked out if they really like it.